Hertsmere Road, Canary Wharf
This site was a disused car park and disused heritage building, but adjacent to a Grade II listed building of significant heritage value. H2O gained a valuable planning permission for a 130-bedroom hotel.
H2O’s Role:
- To carry out feasibility options for multiple uses of the site.
- To secure a pre-let to Tune Hotels.
- To design a scheme that enhanced the adjacent Grade II listed buildings.
- To secure planning permission and listed building consent.
Project Wins:
- Development of a redundant car park.
- Refurbishment with a sustainable new use of a building of importance in a Conservation Area.
- Opening up of the vista to the listed Cannons Workshop facade.
- New public landscaped area to enhance the setting of the hotel and Workshop.
- Long term income for Canal & River Trust.
- Capital receipt and long term income for Canal & River Trust.
Project Approach:
- Collaborative working with CRT Heritage and LBTH Conservation teams.
- Full project partnership to overcome major design hurdles.